Blog #2 - Chapter 3
Blog #2 - Chapter 3
In watching the video I learned a lot about how it might feel to be treated differently because of my race. It can be a barrier for people to be treated this way and to have these conceptions of themselves when it comes to being successful and productive in life. This can be both a personal and social barrier if it is felt over time. In the book a personal barrier is defined as individual factors that get in the way of our success. Such examples may be our self esteem and what we believe we can do. Social barriers on the other hand are defined as barriers created by society. (Diversity Consciousness, Bucher, pg. 62) While I believe that the kids in this video were learning more about social barriers, it seemed over time it became personal because they came to believe this stereotype/. The thing I liked most about this video is that the children really seemed to get a grasp on what was happening and kept them with them as they grew up. I was not surprised at how the kids treated each other. Children are very much products of what they are taught by the adults in their lives. I believe even at that age they have a good capacity for knowing what is right and wrong in treatment of others. I think I will remember most how the teacher actually taught the kids. It angers me that these days the kids do not seem to be taught in this fashion. They are being taught to pass tests and not taught to live their lives in an authentic matter. I truly wish my kids could be taught this way. There really was not anything I did not enjoy about this video, it was very insightful and eye opening.
PBS. Retrieved from Richard D. Bucher, Patricia L.
Bucher (Fourth Edition). Diversity Consciousness
I found it interesting that we both had the same ideas regarding this topic. I really agree with your statement that "Children are very much products of what they are taught by the adults in their lives". The topic is difficult because the experiment was very successful on the children, but it could also scar them in the future.
ReplyDelete- John "Joe" Hunt